About Us

Miles for Cystic Fibrosis and the Cystic Fibrosis Lifestyle Foundation have become BreatheStrong CF, an organization dedicated to supporting the active lifestyles and overall wellness of individuals with CF.
We believe that our name, BreatheStrong CF, represents hope and resilience and aligns with the core values of each organization – dedicated to empowering active lifestyles and providing health and wellness education for those with CF. It builds on the familiar name of our BreatheStrong exercise grant program and our BreatheStrong+ virtual wellness program.
We continue to impact the lives of people with CF every day by providing direct assistance for exercise and sports activities, classes, equipment, and other critical needs. We invite you to explore our website and join us in transforming lives through our impactful programs and activities.
Our Vision
At BreatheStrong CF we envision a new era in which people with cystic fibrosis rise above and go beyond perceived limitations.
Our Mission
BreatheStrong CF advances the wellbeing of people with cystic fibrosis through education, direct support, and opportunities to thrive.
Our Programs

Exercise Grants
Our exercise grants encourage activities that physically challenge both the body and the lungs. Applications are accepted year-round and directly fund the physical activity of the recipient’s choice up to $750.

Our virtual community focuses on education, motivation and resources for developing and maintaining healthy habits. Free to anyone in the U.S. with cystic fibrosis.

Men's Sexual and Reproductive Health
Male CF sexual and reproductive health (SRH) discussions generally focus on infertility, ignoring other issues males may face. Join us for important discussions around hormonal imbalances, body image issues and sexual function.

Susan C. Burroughs Critical Needs Initiative
We provide financial support for groceries and fuel for CF patients in Georgia.

What's Your Gap Grant
Available annually in May, this grant, in partnership with the Closing the Gap Foundation, focuses on filling the gaps people with CF face as they pursue optimal health. Open to teens and adults with CF in the United States.
Our Origins
In 2023, two organizations, Miles for CF and the Cystic Fibrosis Lifestyle Foundation merged to optimize their reach and support the cystic fibrosis community.
In 2024, our merged national organization became BreatheStrong CF.
In 2007 two marathon-running pediatric pulmonologists (Dr. Peter Scott and Dr. Steven Julius) formed a team of walkers and runners at the new Georgia Marathon and Half-Marathon to honor their CF patients and to raise awareness and funds. Funds raised by their Team 65ROSES were donated to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, CF Reaching Out Foundation, and other CF related organizations. Miles for Cystic Fibrosis (M4CF) incorporated as a 501(C)(3) organization to support the fundraising of Team 65ROSES and to provide a broader scope. M4CF continued to support other CF organizations and in 2016 began providing direct support to those living with CF.
Through the BreatheStrong exercise program, grants are given to encourage and support healthy physical activities that can lead to longer, stronger lives. M4CF expanded its support of those living with CF to include the Susan C. Burroughs Critical Needs Initiative. In 2023 M4CF kicked off its newest program BreatheStrong+.
Brian Callanan, an adult living with cystic fibrosis (CF), recognized the importance of physical activity as an integral part of managing his physical and mental well being. In 2006 he began a national fundraising and awareness campaign that was centered around him cycling from Canada to Key West, FL. This campaign would be the origination of the Cystic Fibrosis Lifestyle Foundation (CFLF).
In 2007, CFLF launched its CF Recreation Grant. Originally intended to help support access to activities for adolescents and young adults, it soon became apparent that supporting active lifestyles for those with CF should have no age limit. By 2012, the program had grown by 400%. In 2020 and in response to COVID-19, CFLF established the online STROLO (STROnger LOnger) University program to provide online activities and education.