Exercise Grants




Important Changes To Our Exercise Grant Application Process

We have a quarterly application process. Please plan your submit your 2025 Exercise Grant application during the appropriate application windows:

  • Apply between December 15 – January 31 for activities/equipment to be paid in January-April.
  • Apply between April 1-30 for activities/equipment to be paid in May-July .
  • Apply between July 1-31 for activities/equipment to be paid in  August-October.
  • Apply between October 1-31 for activities/equipment to be paid in November-January.
You may apply once per calendar year and, if approved, we will pay for a full year’s activities, up to $750. Only one grant will be awarded per recipient per calendar year. If you are requesting payment for more than one activity, please put as much information as possible about all requested activities in your application.
Our exercise grants encourage people with cystic fibrosis to engage in activities that physically challenge the body and the lungs. Applications are accepted in quarterly application windows and directly fund the physical activity of the recipient’s choice up to $750.

Why exercise grants? Research shows that staying physically active, especially engaging in more vigorous exercise regularly, is important for lung health and life quality in adolescents and adults with cystic fibrosis (CF). However, the cost of managing the disease often leaves little for families to pay for fees associated with exercise activities.

More vigorous exercise boosts life quality, lung health with CF

Published by Cystic Fibrosis News Today

This study overview demonstrates support for: “active lifestyle ‘regardless of age and disease severity’”

Physical Activity Level and Perception of Exercise in Cystic Fibrosis

Published by Respiratory Care Journal

More patients with cystic fibrosis (CF) are living longer, and lifestyle-related behavior is becoming increasingly important for improving morbidity and mortality.

Obesity in Cystic Fibrosis

Published by National Library of Medicine

“The prevalence of obesity in patients with cystic fibrosis (CF) is increasing and around one-third of adults with CF are now overweight or obese. The causes of excess weight gain in CF are likely multifactorial, including: adherence to the high-fat legacy diet, reduced exercise tolerance, therapeutic advances, and general population trends

BreatheStrong CF Exercise Grants

Exercise Grants

Anyone in the U.S. with CF

Exercise Grants focus on helping individuals living with cystic fibrosis commit to a lifetime of regular physical activity. The program provides grants for exercise equipment, organized fitness activities and facility memberships for people with CF.

Grants may include gym memberships, yoga, swim lessons, sports team registration fees or gear, running or hiking, exercise equipment, horseback riding, dance or other activities that promote physical fitness.

Loretta Morris Memorial Grants

Preference to California residents with CF

Loretta Morris Fund Grant supports swimming, horseback riding, dance and golf. These grant requests are reviewed upon receipt and do not have a deadline. Requests for other activities should apply for a BreatheStrong grant.

The Loretta Morris Memorial Fund was established in 2010. The Fund was set up by her sister, Barbara Morris Harison, with the goal of providing recreation grants to help those living with CF enjoy an active lifestyle. Loretta was born March 31, 1950 and died from CF at the age of 21 years.

Canadian Grants

Anyone in Canada with CF

The intention of the Canadian Grants program is to support CF patients with direct financial assistance in affording recreational activities that have respiratory and psychosocial benefit.

Whether it is a new activity being tried for the first time or continuing to pursue an established passion, the costs of living with CF and impact on earning ability can often make exercise-related costs a barrier.

Application: What You Need to Know

Click on the tabs to learn more about our grants programs.
Due to limited funding availability each month, we may not be able to approve all grant requests. ​

  • Grant recipients may apply once each calendar year. Only one grant will be awarded per recipient per calendar year.
  • Exercise Grant applications are considered for children and adults with CF living in the United States. For those living in Canada, please use the Canadian Grant application.
  • Grants can not exceed $750 in one calendar year.
  • We can not reimburse recipients for expenses already paid.
  • Vendors selected for Canadian applications must accept credit card payments.

Qualifying Activities & Expenses

  • Exercise Grants are intended to support the ongoing physical activities of recipients. We encourage recurring exercise or physical activity memberships (gym memberships, sports teams, activity lessons, school sports clubs, etc). We highly recommend utilizing free trials prior to application to ensure the applicant enjoys the activity and feels safe and comfortable in the environment.
  • Equipment that provides physical exercise may qualify. This includes trampolines, trikes, bikes, small pools, weights, etc.
  • Safety and support equipment directly related to the applicant’s physical activity may qualify such as helmets, required uniforms, footwear, etc.
  • Accessories such as water bottles, general apparel and decoration do not qualify.
  • Pharmaceuticals, nutrition supplements, vitamins, gels and other over-the-counter items do not qualify.
  • Every request is considered individually and uniquely.
Due to limited funding availability each month, we may not be able to approve all Loretta Morris Memorial Grant requests. ​

  • Grant recipients may apply once each calendar year.
  • Preference for Loretta Morris Memorial Grants is California residents.
  • Grants can not exceed $750 in one calendar year.
  • We can not reimburse recipients for expenses already paid.

Qualifying Activities & Expenses

  • Loretta Morris Memorial Grant requests support swimming, horseback riding, dance and golf.
  • We highly recommend utilizing free trials prior to application to ensure the applicant enjoys the activity and feels safe and comfortable in the environment.

Submit an Application

  • Funding for approved grants will be paid directly to the designated activity provider or billing organization. Awards will not be paid directly to the grant recipient. Please be prepared to include a bill or invoice for services and/or additional supporting documentation required to render payment to the provider.
  • New applicant requests will not be considered until we have received the applicant’s medical provider form. The form is available HERE. Applicants may upload the clinician-completed form in the application.
  • We will only consider complete applications. If required information is missing, a letter of denial will be issued. If an applicant is denied, the individual may reapply for the same or different activity with a new and/or updated grant request.

Application Review and Approval

  • Your grant decision will come to the email address provided in the application.
  • Please allow 4-5 weeks for your decision email.

Grant Fulfillment

  • Following grant approval, a BreatheStrong CF grant coordinator will email you regarding details to process payment.
  • If we haven’t received the required information to fulfill the grant within 60 days of approval, your grant will be denied and you may apply again.

Our online application has several sections. You can prepare by having all the necessary information ready.

*Directions for language translation are on the first page of the application.

Provide personal information.

  • If you are applying on behalf of your child with CF, please list your child’s name as the applicant.
  • Applicants under the age of 18 will need a parent or guardian’s permission for HIPPA consent to communicate with CF care providers if needed.

Commit to an activity or purchase.

  • Take a trial class or session if available
  • Make sure it fits your schedule
  • Gather all costs including equipment, uniforms, etc
  • If requesting home equipment ensure sufficient space and electrical supply

Make your request clear.

Have the following information ready:

  • Facility name and web link, if available
  • Contact name, phone and email address
  • Activity description, cost and duration
  • Invoice, if applicable
  • Web address of any online purchases that are applicable

Share your story.

Answer questions regarding the applicant’s current health status, goals related to the activity of choice, why this activity, and how a previous grant helped, if applicable.

Loretta Morris Memorial Grant applicants have the option to include a letter of reference.

Verify your CF status with a medical provider form.

  • First time applicants are required to submit our medical provider verification form to their care team, and then upload the completed form to the application. Access the form HERE.
  • Returning applicants do not need to upload the form unless they have a new care team since their last application.

Agree to the grant’s terms.

Read through and initial each statement in this section to verify that you understand the responsibilities if you are awarded an application. See the tab Grant Recipient Expectations for details.

Submit your application.

When you’ve completed each step, click submit to finish the application process. Applications can be saved and returned to for completion at a later date (just remember your login and password!).

The following are expected following the fulfillment of a grant:

  • Register and participate in BreatheStrong+ virtual program (required for applicants ages 10+).
  • Provide feedback as requested.
  • Provide a note of appreciation to BreatheStrong CF or the Loretta Morris Memorial Fund upon notification of grant approval. Please send to P.O. Box 2984, Tucker, GA, 30085 or email grants@breathestrongcf.org.
  • Provide a photo and/or video of the recipient participating in the activity they specified within the application. Photos and quotes are necessary for us to share information with prospective donors and sponsors whose funds make the program possible. Photos may also be emailed to grants@breathestrongcf.org.

Frequently Asked Questions

May I apply for more than one activity?
Yes, as long as the total of ALL activities are relevant and cost $750 or less you may apply for multiple activities. Requests made that are over $750 will only be funded up to the $750 maximum.
What are some examples of previously funded grant activities?
The list is endless! Here are some examples:

  • Swimming lessons
  • Trampolines
  • Horseback riding lessons/leasing
  • Rock climbing lessons
  • Surfing lessons
  • Yoga classes
  • Dance/gymnastics classes
  • Martial arts classes
  • Water aerobics classes
  • Fitness classes
  • Gym membership
  • Home exercise equipment
  • Ski/snowboard pass
  • Sports camp
  • Triathlon training camp
  • Sports team/league fees
May I apply for a grant to be reimbursed for an activity that has already been paid?
No, requests for reimbursements do not qualify.
I'm a returning applicant. What if I don't have a photo of myself doing my chosen activity?
We prefer the photo to be of the activity the person is applying for. However, if one is unavailable you may submit a photo of yourself doing a different activity. Please do not send head shots, or non-active poses. All photos must be of ONLY the individual due to privacy issues.
May I use my grant to register for a fundraising event for another organization?
No. The only fundraising or participation events that are eligible are those that support BreatheStrong CF.
May I apply for a grant to purchase a bike, treadmill or other equipment?
Yes. Exercise and Canadian Grants may be used for home or outdoor fitness equipment.
What should I do if I haven't received a decision on my grant?
After six weeks, you may e-mail grants@BreatheStrongCF.org to inquire about the grant status. Include the applicant’s name and date of birth.

Donate Today!

Your donation directly supports the activities of people living with CF.