Be a Great Accountabilibuddy!

by Colin Butler
Vertex Education Ambassador, Fitness
Part 2 of 2


In our previous accountability blog we shared how to find an accountabilibuddy (someone who holds you accountable for sticking with not just your goals, but the steps it will take to achieve these goals). This week we want to share how to BE a good accountabilibuddy.

What makes a good accountabilibuddy?

According to a survey of 200 people who used an accountabilibuddy, finding someone that genuinely cares about your progress was the number one sought after quality, with 80% of participants rating the quality of support as “very important” or “extremely important”. An accountabilibuddy who cares for you will take an interest in your goals by asking about you, celebrating your wins and supporting you during your failures. Other important qualities included being trustworthy, giving positive reinforcement, being nonjudgmental and dependable.

Sharing accountability does not mean sharing goals.

Contrary to what people may think, your accountabilibuddy doesn’t have to have the same goals as you. It’s more important to find someone who genuinely wants to support you in reaching your next goal. While finding someone with similar goals may seem preferred, sometimes a different perspective may be just what is needed.

Use check-ins as deadlines.

An object at rest will remain at rest unless there’s a deadline forcing it into motion/action.

If you’re anything like me, I’m not going to get something done unless there is a deadline. I can have the best intentions to write something or call someone, but unless there’s a deadline forcing me to act, that task will sit on my desk.

Instead of passively waiting, take a proactive approach by regularly engaging with accountabilibuddy about their progress. Establish dedicated time each week to connect with them and inquire about their achievements and challenges. If you struggle to remember, create a calendar reminder or alarm on your phone.

While it’s essential to maintain regular contact, remember that consistency is more important than frequency. Above all, reassure your accountability partner that they can always rely on you  no matter what hurdles they face.

Thanks to Our Education Ambassador Sponsor