“Choose Your Own Adventure” Family Dinner

by Liz Revilla
Vertex Education Ambassador, Nutrition

Do you ever get overwhelmed trying to figure out what to make for dinner that the whole family will enjoy? Trust me, we’ve all been there.

Enter the concept of the “Choose Your Own Adventure” family dinner. The idea here is to choose a theme for the meal (which could be based on your family heritage, favorite cuisine, or even what you have in your fridge or pantry). You can start with a whole grain as your base for the meal – like rice, pasta, potatoes, pita bread, etc. Then you can add some protein and vegetables to complement the meal. Next you can set up your toppings according to the theme that you have chosen. Finally you can top everything off with a delicious sauce – like salsa, pasta sauce, hummus, Tzatziki sauce, peanut sauce, etc.! Voila – let the fun begin! You only have to cook one meal, each family member can choose their own ingredients and toppings according to their own preferences, and everyone can enjoy a delicious family dinner together!

Here are a few possible themes to consider:

  • Taco Night

  • Pasta Night

  • Potato Bar Night

  • Burger Night

  • Mediterranean Night

  • Asian Night

  • Breakfast for Dinner Night

  • Salad Night

  • Soup Night

  • Hot Pot Night

My family’s favorite is definitely Taco Night! Last night I set everything out on the kitchen counter and let everyone make their plates (with some help for the younger kiddos). My son made a cheese quesadilla with some taco meat, black beans, and veggies on the side. My daughter made a black bean burrito with some taco meat and veggies on the side. My husband made some tacos with all of the fixings. And I made myself a taco salad with a little bit of everything on top. One dinner + many different possibilities = one happy family!

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