Join a CSA

Try it Tuesday

by Liz Revilla
Vertex Education Ambassador, Nutrition

Do you need some inspiration to try new fruits and vegetables? Try joining a Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) group in your area, which means you can purchase a share of the farm’s annual harvest. Most CSAs will deliver fresh produce every week or every other week either to your home or to a local business for you to pick up. You will enjoy super fresh and local produce (and sometimes other items, like milk, eggs, and honey) at a fraction of the cost of the grocery store. You will also save time by not having to shop for produce yourself and learn more about which fruits and vegetables are in season in your area. Even better, you can support local farmers in your area, and often as a CSA member you will receive newsletters with recipes for that week’s items, special deals, and invitations to seasonal events that take place at the farm.

If you need help finding a CSA in your area, you can click the button below.

Here’s to eating more fresh, healthy, and local produce this spring and summer!

Thanks to Our Education Ambassador Sponsor